App Details
Level: Premier
Type: Extension
Categories: Data Management, Fundraising
App Developer
Name: Computer System Innovations, Inc. (CSI)
Phone: +1 630 681-1100
Manage your data like never before.
Whether you're on iMIS 2017 or iMIS EMS, the iMIS Data Management Suite (iDMS) is the key to making you even more successful with iMIS! From easily importing and updating data, to automating repetitive tasks, this powerful suite of products does it all.
Import and Update iMIS Data with iImport Cloud
iImport Cloud gives you the ability to use a spreadsheet to import and/or update data in iMIS! Import data from a third party, import activities from events or webinars, and so much more.
Replace Your Stored Procedures with iUpdate Cloud
Use an IQA query to update (or even insert) data in iMIS! You can change a record's member type if their paid through is in the past, erase a field on every iMIS record, and even snapshot your current member counts for future use/reporting. Almost every stored procedure you have can be replaced with iUpdate Cloud!
Automate with iSchedule
Want to keep your database in perfect shape? iSchedule gives you the ability to schedule iUpdate tasks. This allows you to focus on what you do best and not have to worry about maintaining the database!
Level: Premier
Type: Extension
Categories: Data Management, Fundraising
Name: Computer System Innovations, Inc. (CSI)
Phone: +1 630 681-1100